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BSL Taster (Virtual Classroom)

Taster Sessions held by BSL SignAbility, who are BSL tutors based in Yorkshire.  They ran 4 sessions, an hour each, over the entire month.  Overall there was overwhelmingly positive feedback, 100% of those who attended and gave us feedback said that they would recommend the event and enjoyed it.  They said it gave them “confidence”, that it was “very interactive, “interesting” and “informative” and that the instructor, Debra, was a patient and easy to follow instructor.  They also commented on how it being taught by someone in BSL, and then BSL Interpreted into English made it flow better than most language sessions they had had.  People reported that it made them want to learn more, gave them an insight into what it is like to be a deaf/hard of hearing person who signs and made them feel more confident and comfortable when interacting with hard of hearing people.  Several people feedback that they would be continuing to learn BSL, someone is now looking to do their Level 1, and another commented that they will now look into making sure that there is an interpreter at any event/activity that they may organise.

Leeds University Union – 2020

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